Rabu, 23 Mei 2012

my name my family my little story

hi, you must be asking why I called kadhita??
kadhita was a nickname given by my younger’s class
 at SMA PGRI 1 KOTA MOJOKERTO high school
but you can also call me DITA, all my family also called it
but just my brother called me “ JEMBLUNG “
because when I child, I’m a fat girl  

See? Not Bad…
That’s photo was taken when I was 2 years old,
in my sweet home  
I was born on April 15, 1993 at Mojokerto 

I have a brother, just one
his name Bimanda Satya Hanggara

my brother

this is with my brother 

we are just a small family... 
there are my parents and two 
only one couple and their two children 
yea... their children is my brother and I 

this is with my father

this is with my mother 

this photo was taken on Trawas City 

i'm so glad to have them.
and i love 'em so much!

LURV..!! XOXO.. 

Senin, 07 Mei 2012

The First Post

HELLO..!! this is my first blogspot 
my name is Anindita Widya Ningrum 
you can call me DITA or WIDYA 
i'm just a teenage girl who really loves music 
have a lot of dreams and loves to sing a song 
likes a black and white colours